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Muttley: Here's a question: will Carlsen play the world chess match in Sochi in November ?
Muttley: I reckon he won't
Sheriffi: who cares
Muttley: I do
First: you are a nobody muttley
Muttley: Harsh, but true
Sheriffi: you'd think by now you would have figured out to ask these questions on a chess server
First: indeed
Muttley: they don't discuss stuff on a chess server, too busy playing blitz and bullet chess
Javaness: Will Carlsen take up Go, that's what we want to know
Muttley: heh
darkronin: Imagine this: prize for the 2014 world chess championship is... a go board
bert: heh heh, this is first time i hear of carlsen, a chess player i presume