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Astone: Have not seen you in a while!
LunaSlave: yeah i've not been around
Astone: makes sense :)
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[00:33] nolajedi: No alf, beard knows when to trim you.
[00:34] maladroit: Maybe I told you, alf, that when my wife gets too vocal about my beard and says "Do you think I'd have married a man with a beard?" I say "No. Do you think I'd have married a 68 year old woman?"
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pestilence 7d vs Elim 4d
mateoxx59 : how the heck to choose a nickname like this !?
luciendu77 : Because strange style
luciendu77 : But incredible
Callaghan : it's a cool nickname
mateoxx59 : smelly style then
ScaryGhost: pestilence might be a horseman
RoadRunner : Your nickname determines what rank you eventually get
ScaryGhost: there are 4 of them. I would know.
ScaryGhost: Yes, RoadRunner. Which is why I have none OO_O
tontonken : pork must be a very 2k type of name