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#252 [+|-] (3)
gilgamesh: I had a funny exchange at the go club this wednesday
odf: tell me tell me
gilgamesh: I was talking about a game we were playing
odf: and?
gilgamesh: and I can't remember what exact word I used, but my opponent said, "I don't use words like that." I said, "Oh, right, I suppose you're studying math?" "Physics." "Ah, I'm more into languages and language itself."
gilgamesh: "I knew there was something wrong with you!"

#500 [+|-] (0)
firework 9d twoeye 7d 2012-06-16
kostuek [-]: how do you count ?
Ootakamoku [-]: kostuek, you guess, and then slap yourself real hard if its wrong by more than 10, eventually your instincts will improve and you will learn to estimate the board accurately
kostuek [-]: i think so
kostuek [-]: i cant slap too hard at all, like myself too much

#748 [+|-] (0)
Muttley: Ironically, I got an "A" on English literature :))