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daylight17: YaY! My resume list finally got down to 2! Bad News: Someone just made it 3 :)
daylight17: Q: How big our average resume lists?
evilpixie: you applying for jobs or what ?
daylight17: what?
daylight17: jobs=for adults
evilpixie: what else u use a reumse for ?
daylight17: to finish the game?
evilpixie: what ? you bore someone with your resume
daylight17: how?
evilpixie: to make them mak mistakes
daylight17: nevermind
evilpixie: are adults supposed to have jobs ?
sente5: sadly yes
evilpixie: when do you become an adult
sente5: 21
daylight17: I'm 10
Vivi: when you worry about jobs
sente5: youre ten and you have a resume?
evilpixie: it might be a small resume
daylight17: Resume games!!!
evilpixie: games with your resume
evilpixie: sounds like fun, not
sente5: that is very different
daylight17: What's a resume?
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cekalo: go is about putting stones on a board
cekalo: nothing more
Pagliacci: the first Go game only used 1 stone
Pagliacci: the winner had a big sword :)
TheNextSun: one stone on a one lib board?
bert: no, it is the story about the sword in that stone
Eternauta: I watered a big stone for years but it never grew a sword
TheNextSun: but if we use tewari, we can see that putting a sword in a stone in the first place was not a very good idea