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aluseusGOD: I Feel Bad!
katt: are u sick?!
aussiemate: yep, that one <pointing>
aluseusGOD: I knew that I would now!
aluseusGOD: I feel bad!
stumped: hey, stop pointing that around, you might kill someone
aussiemate: oops, sorry
aussiemate: (just killed someone)
RoyRogers: *Dies*
Javaness: Please do not kill people in the EGR
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cekalo: go is about putting stones on a board
cekalo: nothing more
Pagliacci: the first Go game only used 1 stone
Pagliacci: the winner had a big sword :)
TheNextSun: one stone on a one lib board?
bert: no, it is the story about the sword in that stone
Eternauta: I watered a big stone for years but it never grew a sword
TheNextSun: but if we use tewari, we can see that putting a sword in a stone in the first place was not a very good idea