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#172 [+|-] (3)
Inachan: i can't believe you scanned your cat O.o
impulse: why not? I scanned a bunch of other junk too
Inachan: cats aren't junk
impulse: er, good point

#173 [+|-] (1)
Ta0: living has blown my mind
Amaranth: that's typically a good start at least
cow666: mind is like a tire
Amaranth: you need at least two to go really fast?
Ta0: once its blown you replace it?
Amaranth: you need a special one to function in the winter?

#175 [+|-] (1)
fadel: SDghfghdbgygyucgfnyufrhyqoytr7c36ftrq378gfy7rqwefgyqeifgyuiyr74374
fadel: sdfjkl
zetsuei: ummm
fadel: sry there was a fly on the keyboard
zetsuei: ......
zetsuei: ok
fadel: 869hnjn gfdpfvkldf;vjhfk; jhlk;jklbgkflmbld'kg0t-963
shikakun: another fly?
turco314: lol
fadel: darn stupid fly

#176 [+|-] (1)
css: help
css: lustig
css: /?
WoolyMaCha: What help do u need?
css: sorry - i thougt there was some kind of console-help
Uberdude: /use your mouse
yorugua: lol
sheeryjay: /and point upper right to Help word
sauri: Use the mouse, Luke
css: thanks! :-)

#177 [+|-] (2)
Najaye [2k?]: du immer mit deinen frauen
Najaye [2k?]: o_o
mafutrct [-]: sind nich nur frauen
Najaye [2k?]: hö
mafutrct [-]: ...
mafutrct [-]: das klang jetz komisch xD

#178 [+|-] (1)
(A thinking too loud ... and in writing)
A: Black this ..., then that and ...
A: However White then ... and ...
B: A, by your reasoning both are doomed!

#179 [+|-] (1)
thedisman: I guess I just resign if I get behind by as much as 100

#180 [+|-] (-2)
Move 51
tetris [-]: b seems to be in trouble at the top
Move 61
tetris [-]: eternity, the top! the top!
Move 62
tetris [-]: look at the top!
Move 64
tetris [-]: you have just built w a nice thick wall facing--THE TOP
Move 72
tetris [-]: he'll be ok :)
Move 86
JMEdwards [9k]: calm tet
Move 89
JMEdwards [9k]: lest I be forced to jump in with drunken go commentary
Move 97
JMEdwards [9k]: and who wants that?
Move 111
tetris [-]: me! me!
Move 112
tetris [-]: i want that!
Move 113
JMEdwards [9k]: heh
tetris [-]: i dare you!

#181 [+|-] (-1)
nogotalent: hey java?
nogotalent: we have a new user named ******* here
Javaness: oh nice
nogotalent: haha
nogotalent: registered yesterday
Javaness: i bet it's been dealt with already
nogotalent: dunno, ******** and ******* still seem to be here
nickBlake: If I were to ever start a go server, vulgarity would be enforced, not discouraged.
nogotalent: yes!
nogotalent: "*******, you haven't used up your quota today--get cracking or you're out!"

#182 [+|-] (2)
MysticoN: is mogo the bot that collects data and becomes stronger?
rcarn: you're thinking of the Terminator.

#183 [+|-] (2)
TheHulk [2k]: I am not difficult to beat, but I can entertain my opponents

#184 [+|-] (4)
saishoku: what are crowns by ppls names
hepatitis: means they play chess
pasky: evil them
hepatitis: aye. traitors

#185 [+|-] (14)
Greatgreen: I'm going to fail :(
NumberGuy: think positively
Greatgreen: I'm going to fail :)

#186 [+|-] (3)
rhubarb: anyone know where i can replay the breakfast lecture yesterday?
busty: try the food network
rhubarb: food network?

#187 [+|-] (3)
kikos: -fails at trying to talk to any sentinent being-
werewolf: .....*represses comment*
kikos: -gives up on interactions with the human species and starts talking to a soccer ball named hairy.-

#188 [+|-] (-1)
Zanza: Wenn ein Schäfer seine Schafe verhaut, ist er dann ein Mähdrescher?

#189 [+|-] (3)
readytogo: dont use the letter f
maproomad: 'readytogo' is a good name for someone who expects to be booted at any moment :)

#190 [+|-] (23)
doviende: i always thought tesuji were more like reading the in "that's a strange position, but it appears to work well"

#191 [+|-] (2)
cynewulf: 10k should at least know "don't do that"
tetris: my favorite proverb is "don't do things that don't work"
cynewulf: lots of people forget that one

#192 [+|-] (-1)
Vheissu: when KGS went down for three days!
Vheissu: not being able to play go was sad
s: i went to igs and played 10 games a day for those 3 days
Vheissu: So its nice to have KGS
s: total of about 50 games
Vheissu: fun?
s: sure
ChoMama: erm... 10 x 3 = 50?
Vheissu: It’s special math
s: i guess it was more per day... i was keeping a record though, and it added up to 50
ChoMama: just kidding
s: but also, 10 x 3 IS 50, you know that
s: you get that in first grade
ChoMama: do you now! ;-)
Vheissu: No one is debating that
s: :)
s: thank you all
Hylebos: Indeed.

#193 [+|-] (-1)
naruto123: 100% der deutschen sind frauen. das ergab eine umfrage unter 1000 zufällig ausgewählen frauen

#194 [+|-] (-1)
Edaen: what does the ~ mean?
DudeG: The ~ means that player takes black too frequently (2/3 of all games, I believe).
Uberdude: no, ~ is about weaker players, not black
Uberdude: [Quotes the relevant help page]
DudeG: Ok, so the help page does mention it as being because the person doesn't play enough weaker players. However, I still believe it is based on the ratio of color played as.
DudeG: I could perform an experiment to either prove or disprove this, but it'd be easier if we could just get info from an admin.
Uberdude: or not care =)

#195 [+|-] (0)
shouldBdan [2k]: theres a kgs cheat code if you hold the power button on ur computer!

#196 [+|-] (-1)
kuuli: you can observe some higher dan playing and compare it to 19k playing... i'm sure you can find some differences
moonrise: what are you guys talking about? whether stronger players are stronger than weaker players?
snowman: no way
snowman: weaker players are much more creative than the stronger players who only play by the book
moonrise: i'd like the name of that book, it might do me some good
glorioski: snow, pros must bore you to death
doodler247: no matter how you look at it, both strengths give a good show
glorioski: you mean all three of them?

#197 [+|-] (3)
tetris: espy!
tetris: *chomp*
JMEdwards: eating espy?
tetris: espy routinely says *chews on tet's arm*
tetris: this is my first attempt to return the favor
JMEdwards: ah well... carry on then

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