[+|-] (5)
Paloma: i try to make eyes, and my opponents do not cooperate, in fact, they sabotage my efforts. What gives? Don't we love each other here?
[+|-] (2)
yduisuk: i hear this song when i run on the beach early in the morning :o
yduisuk: its like my brain is saying "dont give up; you can make SOMETHING out of yourself TTvTT"
yduisuk: and i'm just like: "lalala prety music lalala"
[+|-] (2)
katt: hunting is kind of a good thing though because it keeps the deer population down and stuff
kincaid42: why do we want the deer population to be down >.<
Egad: because if the deer ever learn to use guns then we are fuced
kincaid42: i want the mosquito population to be down i dont care about deers
katt: because a butt load of car accidents in this state are caused by deer
Egad: my dad hit 2 deer with his car
Egad: first one was actually a funny story
Egad: he was taking me, my brother and my sister to school
Egad: he hit the deer and had my sister go to a house nearby to call the police
Egad: they asked if anyone was hurt and she said "yeah, the deer"
Egad: bwahaha
[+|-] (1)
dsaun: "Come to my rengo said he!" // "four players are better than three" // "my mistakes can be grand"// "if you'll just lend a hand" // "so come to my table, its free!"
[+|-] (1)
Hu: PST = Pacific Standard Time = California, Oregon, Washington State, British Columbia
aussiemate: PST is what you get when you drink too much
OhMichel: PST?
aussiemate: can also mean angry, I'm told
pel: PST is also an attention seeking sound :)
[+|-] (3)
ScudRunner: i never get the people on crack or toking on drugs.... all my opponents are completely conscious and that really holds me back sometimes
[+|-] (6)
sinful1: btw, like my entire thought process during a game is "please dont play there, please dont play there, phew!"
[+|-] (2)
[Name Withheld]: hey
[Name Withheld]: I just owned a 2d It was so funny XP
s: huh? i don't even know you!
[Name Withheld]: waa
[Name Withheld]: but you're "s"
s: yes, but i've never even talked to you before
[Name Withheld]: u might know me in my past accounts
s: like what?
[Name Withheld]: mm
s: nope
[Name Withheld]: airegin
s: nope
[Name Withheld]: brother
s: nope
[Name Withheld]: awesome66
s: nope
[Name Withheld]: [gives five more names]
s: nope, nope, nope, nope, nope
s: though mm is a good one :)
[Name Withheld]: s
s: s??
[Name Withheld]: yeah
[Name Withheld]: that was my old account
s: you had s???
[Name Withheld]: yeah
s: a fellow s-owner!
[Name Withheld]: XD
s: ok i have to go, thx for all the nicks :)
[Name Withheld]: don't tell anyone
s: ok
[+|-] (2)
Mef: once reprisal gets to 3d he can use a real board
reprisal: heh
Mef: currently as 2d, he can only deal with the flat surface
reprisal: too true
Mef: (it was awful when he was 1d... and could only make out the lines...)
reprisal: i'm extremely sensitive to my environment too, i read worse on another computer screen
reprisal: any color calibration will throw me off, same with ambient noise
wbendick: have you considered drugs?
[+|-] (3)
werewolf: *pokes ken*
Apathy6: *deflates*
werewolf: didn't see that coming o.o
werewolf: *gets air pump*
werewolf: *sticks tube in ken's mouth*
Apathy6: *gets inflated*
werewolf: *puts air pump away
Apathy6: *floats*
werewolf: *ties a rope to kens ankle*
Apathy6: :D
werewolf: *ties other end to a tree*
Apathy6: *jumps thru the branches*
Apathy6: weeeee :D
werewolf: *pulls tree from under ken*
Apathy6: *floats away*
werewolf: i always knew he was an air head -_-;
[+|-] (1)
LadyTengen: i was going to jump out of a cake in a red bathing suit to cheer shy up after his accident
LadyTengen: he liked the idea
LadyTengen: but we settled on a fruit basket
Uvas: well, it's still after his accident...
LadyTengen: that is very true
LadyTengen: will be for some time, too
[+|-] (-1)
SunWuKong: has anyone seen the film Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death?
Muttley: I would never admit to watching a Russ Meyer film
[+|-] (2)
kibitz from a twoeye game:
Rakuten [2k]: k6 is getting kind of large isnt it? (comment: k6 is a 20k mistake)
Nijntje [5d]: k6 j5
Nijntje [5d]: still captured
Rakuten [2k]: ...doi
Rakuten [2k]: thanks :p
handshake [2k]: dude you are a shame to us 2k
Rakuten [2k]: I just woke up ;(
Ojisama [4k?]: dude u should join us 4 kyus :D
Rakuten [2k]: im going to cry for a while now
handshake [2k]: lolololol
Koffein [-]: oji, do you really want him in your team? :p
Kosashi [7k?]: 4 kyus are not fun, come join the 7's!
Ojisama [4k?]: actually no
[+|-] (4)
shygost [-]: excuse me??
shygost [-]: i think he did drugs on this move
shygost [-]: LSD I think
[+|-] (5)
Gon00bs [7k]: I suck at spelling today
Sukudo [?]: only today?^^
Gon00bs [7k]: YES ONLY TODAY
Gon00bs [7k]: HUH?!
Sukudo [?]: its the key above shift
Sukudo [?]: on the left side
Gon00bs [7k]: um..., I mean... you're cool
[+|-] (2)
Reviewer: Anyone need a review?
mersault: i neeed
Reviewer: Upload it to the server and I will be glad to heap abuse on y- i mean I will be glad to assist.
[+|-] (1)
TheProject: suet
desuetude: lol whenever someone says my name all by itself on a line, i know an insult is on its way
TheProject: the full triangle is a *bad shape* and should *never be used*
TheProject: In fact, in ancient times, creating a full triangle was equivalent to forfeiting the game.
TheProject: It was considered the honorable way to resign
desuetude: lucky if they didn't cut your head off
TheProject: this is go history! only 4k and up know about that
[+|-] (2)
shodansoon: riza seems pretty quiet
shodansoon: i'll bet you 10 bucks she stopped reading after "riza seems pretty"
[+|-] (1)
dsaun: frankly, if i could go back to 19 and in college, i'd do it in a heartbeat, if i could retain what i know now
dsaun: hmmm, 20 might be better :)
tigger: dont think it works that way
[+|-] (5)
senile: Can somebody help me please?
volcane: what's the problem?
senile: I have a problem and not sure where to report it
senile: to the maker of this program or to sun
senile: it's a graphical problem
senile: the stones never land in the squares
chewbacca: lol
senile: any idea?
chewbacca: the stones are placed on the intersections
senile: ohh u 2 have the problem?
chewbacca: yes
volcane: yes its very common
senile: i'll try another server then, thanks
[+|-] (3)
tenletters [1k]: i gave an 8d two stones once
tenletters [1k]: and he beat me with them
timc [2k]: @tenletter... I read that as, "I gave him a stick, and he beat me with it."
[+|-] (3)
Move 235
IceBearToe [9k]: never forget that go is a big rough bar
Move 238
tarnas14 [10k]: of chocolate
Move 244
sparky12 [17k]: i like chocolate
[+|-] (1)
estragon: hmm
estragon: there are 621 users and 662 rooms
Meepy: Ubiquity is in most of them ^^
Mefanol: Many users are in more than 1 room?
estragon: well yes
estragon: i just find it amusing
Mefanol: indeed
sheeryjay: Ubiquity can't be in most of them, then he would have 100+ room tabs
moloch: how else would he be ubiquitous?