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#374 [+|-] (0)
Lukan [5d]: M17 so slow
mihi [6d]: slow but efficient:)
Lukan [4d]: :)
holynec [?]: weak kibitz = lose a stone

#375 [+|-] (10)
BingyBangy : I will be the best go player this world has ever seen.
PeterL : "The 4 go gods !  Dosaku, Shusaku, Go Seigen and BingyBangy" doesn't sound very convincing

#376 [+|-] (2)
X2K [19k]: what is black waiting for is he using the john?
Move 41
cjalden [2k]: no need to be rude.  This game requires thought
Move 42
X2K [19k]: thinking too much is bad
cjalden [2k]: thinking not enough is worse
X2K [19k]: just go with the flow dude
shy [-]: yeah, it works just fine right?

#377 [+|-] (6)
shisun: hmmm, somebody just called me a bitch and then left our game
perth: perhaps he meant he had to go walk the dog?

#378 [+|-] (3)
NannyOgg: it's amazing how they allow women on the server nowadays
Nyanjilla: yeah....
Nyanjilla: without chaperones, too
NannyOgg: it's a shame!
Nyanjilla: and we can show our limbs, too

#379 [+|-] (1)
measwel [?]: what's your
measwel [?]: damn
measwel [?]: I just typed someting I was not aware of typing
mafutrct [-]: sleep-typing
measwel [?]: Yes
measwel [?]: It suddenly appeared

#380 [+|-] (1)
ray12: <.< I think cookies should have their own honorifics

#381 [+|-] (0)
kspar [6k]: so many cat pics on kgs
meuns [1d]: cats are lovable
cekalo [2k]: so?
vogelfrei [2d]: dindt you know cat pics are nr. 2 traffic on internet?
kspar [6k]: haha
tetsuo [1k]: cats are strong at go
emkele [2k]: stats: our dogs vs some cats -> 1:1
meuns [1d]: cats contribute to internet mass
sombra [2k]: whats the nr. 1?
vogelfrei [2d]: lol
Tfp [4k]: number 1
vogelfrei [2d]: cmon....
kspar [6k]: also cat
vogelfrei [2d]: no
kspar [6k]: sort of
sombra [2k]: lol
vogelfrei [2d]: yeah :D

#382 [+|-] (0)
akahi: moving stones is physical activity
wicket: not sure i'd call go or poker a sport really
skywalker: go is greatest mind sport
reprisal: if sitting still for a few hours is your definition of physical activity
reprisal: i should start telling everyone that jogging and pushups are how i got my 2d
akahi: just like rocky :)

#383 [+|-] (1)
DrOlczyk: You know what I really hate? Those ballless wonders that play to the end, then try really cheesy invasions-- you know the kind that work only when the other guy makes three mistakes in a row. Then go to the count, and resign when they see the count goes against them.
Lynx: nah.
Lynx: I find them funny.
Lynx: I hate it when they then escape.
Lynx: Or win.
Mef: Indeed
Mef: I hate those guys who play the stupid invasions that only work if you make 3 stupid mistakes......and then you make 3 stupid mistakes
GameFAQs: :)
mayk: don't hate them. hate yourself. helps to improve ;)
Mef: oh I hate myself too
Mef: I just like being bitter

#384 [+|-] (3)
Quietp [17k]: if he's called TheOne, why does he have TWO accounts?

#385 [+|-] (1)
Mef: Scud - Just like you can't make anything foolproof... cause fools are so ingenious

#386 [+|-] (6)
Shiketsu: can anyone tell me some websites where i can meet with top pros?
Shiketsu: thanks

#387 [+|-] (-1)
hasen [9k]: I mean if an 8k says one thing and a 5d says another, its almost objectively certain that the 5d is more correct, not a matter of opinion
Move 72
rockhard [5d]: why w not attacking B D10 stones?
Move 73
hasen [9k]: ^ in most cases
RaymondCao [18k]: not really

#388 [+|-] (0)
Hu: Tenant was great in Casanova.
TeddyBear: Casanova was pretty good
TeddyBear: Though it was funny believing that Tenant grew a foot in old age to become Peter O'Toole

#389 [+|-] (0)
Solid30k: *+-//**--/*+/-------0*8+2
DrStraw: ?
Solid30k: opss sorry
Solid30k: dog foot print :P

#390 [+|-] (2)
dsaun: strange watching go and listening to 1812 overture
dsaun: it's the cannon sections - make you want to see a really big move :)

#391 [+|-] (0)
bensenseii [-]: Mais moi j'suis un boulet aussi

#392 [+|-] (3)
oenava: Anybody wants to play a Game I started go about 1.5 months ago
netsangha: oenava, you would have better luck in the Beginners' Room (under Lessons in the room list) or the KGS Teaching Ladder (under Social)
Nyanjilla: uh... this is the Beginners' Room
oenava: wow thanks
netsangha: eek
JasonD: haha
Nyanjilla: hehehehehe
netsangha: haha
netsangha: damn
Nyanjilla: that happens often--don't worry about it
JasonD: !!!!
netsangha: gotta get some sleep one of these days

#393 [+|-] (1)
dv: ever wondered if the music that you play on the background has influence on your game?
Ganpachi: ever wondered if crippling hangovers has influence on your game?

#394 [+|-] (36)
EuroGoTV1 [-]: white went to the bathroom
Garfield [?]: euro can u pass the link to watch?
EuroGoTV1 [-]: there is no link to watch the bathroom

#395 [+|-] (-1)
afk: ich glaub, bald kann ich das neo-layout dauerhaft anlassen. ist schon ein tolles gefühl, fast nur mit der mittleren reihe zu schreiben
afk: faulheit obsiegt ;>
Geass: sehr gut, wenn die faulheit noch stärker wird kannst du irgendwann vielleicht sogar mit nur 2 tasten schreiben ;)
afk: 01100100011001010111001000100000011101110110000101110010001000000111001101101111001000000110011101110101011101000010110000100000011001000110000100100000011010000110000101110011011101000010000001100100011101010010000001101011011001010110100101101110011001010010000001100001011011100111010001110111011011110111001001110100

#396 [+|-] (1)
elefunt: I entered "tesuke" on Google, and it asked me, "Did you mean tppuk?" -- that was an interesting question
elefunt: "Whyyy yes -- I did mean tppuk, thanks"

#397 [+|-] (1)
HikaruShin: Hi everyone which thinks i'm awesome cool
liza: hikaru! why dont you say hi to me? =( *sniffles*

#398 [+|-] (1)
Move 24
HotToTrot [1d]: i cant believe he wrote a book
Move 25
shy [14k?]: the review of his book was pretty terrible
Move 28
protozon [1d]: books are good according to reviews

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