[+|-] (29)
Egad: i played go to get away from problems, then i found goproblems.com and gave up
[+|-] (3)
lolcatttt: i was a stragiht a student in the last year of my college
Archaic: lol
lolcatttt: then i bought skyrim and
lolcatttt: i failed all my classes
lolcatttt: i had to go to rehab, and even now i can still hear the call of skyrim
DeathWind: srsly should I get skyrim?
lolcatttt: yeah
[+|-] (6)
kyolover: please do me, in your bed, on the kitchen counter, on the dining room table, hell, even on the floor in front of the tv, i dont care where you do it, i just need you to do me like you never have done before
Bertoo: going to check his info
Bertoo: crap id do u
link4: xD
Bertoo: XD oops
Zero123: o_o
Egad: kyo, i think he has a crush
kyolover: sincerely: your homework
[+|-] (0)
SXJLove: o/ if anyone needs me and i dont respond please be patient
anyone: i do not need you now
[+|-] (9)
hanlanspt: this is the second time, in just as many days, that I've seen someone lose a game because they neglected to mark a group as dead.
hanlanspt: and this was 3 vs. 5 dan
TheCutpain: no public accusations, report to admins
hanlanspt: that's not an accusation - it's a fact.
hanlanspt: consultant vs. cnooc.
TheCutpain: use PM
dupre: hard to believe that happened at dan level games
hanlanspt: why would i use pm? this has nothing to do with escapers
TheCutpain: you report sandbaggers quielty to admins, not here
hanlanspt: i'm not reporting sandbagging
TheCutpain: yes, you did
alfalfa: i think he is reporting sloppiness and carelessness...
yarr: Sandbagging is deliberate. This case is probably a lack of attention .. Happens with everyone once in a while ..
dupre: TheCutpain, you are not reasonable as far as I can see
hanlanspt: i'm talking about ignorance
hanlanspt: anyway, it just annoys me that I can't say anything when they're marking groups as dead.
TheCutpain: Shift+click to un-mark
hanlanspt: thanks for that totally irrelevant piece of info
TheCutpain: many users dont know how to un-mark wrong marked stones
hanlanspt: it's that something was not marked at all
TheCutpain: if someone does that to you, again, call an admin using PM
hanlanspt: nothing happened to me!
TheCutpain: read the Help pages for more details
TheCutpain: good luck
hanlanspt: you are the worst listener in the history of language
[+|-] (1)
miles: i watched NHK, this pro comes in to wild applause
miles: two tiny giggling girls ask respectful questions
miles: i thought, how like them to show a pro surrounded by bimbos
miles: turns out the bimbos are also pros hehe
[+|-] (0)
Najaye: und dann hab ich mir was anderes überlegt.... und coldy wollte ja immer wieder, dass ich ihn durch den Kakao zieh...
Najaye: also hab ich hier ne badewanne voll kakao dabei...
[+|-] (2)
Finn: bin krank ~.~
Sakuchu: was hasten?
Sakuchu: o.o
Finn: husten, schnupfen, heiterkeit
Finn: und kopfweh
Finn: voll doof
Finn: <<
Sakuchu: heiterkeit? XD
[+|-] (1)
ThePumpkin? [9k]: so i dont really know this juski
ThePumpkin? [9k]: jusaki
Kable [24k?]: isnt it juseki?
[+|-] (2)
cnorris: i count +more than 10 for b..
hanlanspt [4k]: you don't have to be chuck norris to know that
cnorris: cnorris does not count liberties
cnorris: liberty counts on cnorris
[+|-] (1)
yamahawk: please someone join my 3x3 game :)
liq3: LOL...
liq3: only if i can go white, and you aren't allowed to play center :D
liq3: on first move.
Hylebos: liq, you just set up double ladders.
Hylebos: Breaks mirror go every time.
liq3: 3x3 board... :P
liq3: no room to make a ladder xD
NoKnott: ah, so it was a rung answer
[+|-] (1)
shy: good, u?
shy: -paints your nails in colorful colors-
Nowww: doing good and really?
Nowww: anything new with you?
shy: you dont mind the nails?
Nowww: i do but compared to what you have done in the past its not that bad :P
shy: oh...
[+|-] (0)
Gregory [-]: white's certain of win now, looking at M18
yoyoma [1d]: devious bots of tomorrow maybe play move like M18...
yoyoma [1d]: and trick human to resign :)
Gregory [-]: hahahaha - very good
yoyoma [1d]: 'I've won, I counted it all out, just resign now'
[+|-] (-1)
slayde [14k]: my nickname is "the foolish dreams of a comeback at least once after making profound blunders again and again kid"
[+|-] (-1)
Magnus86: so u ll be a b grade celeb i guess
Magnus86: xP
Zero123: T_T
Zero123: but but
Zero123: i dont wanna be a alphabet
Zero123: i wanna be a number!
Magnus86: aww
Magnus86: -gives zero alphabet chart-
Zero123: ....
Zero123: didnt i say i wanna be a number?
Magnus86: count u n00b
Magnus86: count
euphoric: lol
Boto: Hey eu
Zero123: FINE D:
Boto: :D
Zero123: a
Zero123: b
Zero123: 4
Zero123: 1
Zero123: g
Zero123: 2
Zero123: .... am i done?
[+|-] (0)
Warfreak2: in go, it is good when you benefit from your stones dying, so surely the poetic thing would be "it's good he is dead"
blitzkrieg: well i dunno, i wouldn't want to be sacrificed
blitzkrieg: even if it does mean i get thickness on the outside
[+|-] (2)
Boto: Theres something wrong with my kgs
Boto: The clock count down is messed up
Boto: The rooms dont have names
Boto: O_o
Magnus86: ooh u got kgs the collectors edition
[+|-] (0)
jam090: kghin 9d !!
stumped: Make him wear the Hat
Warfreak2: gosh
Warfreak2: kghin now kgs's first 9d~
wither: because he never plays lower ever
Warfreak2: he'll never get a game again
wither: too bad
[+|-] (3)
Boto: I got a good question for u guys
Boto: Does morning mean
Boto: The sun is out
Boto: Or does morning mean
Boto: After midnight?
Boto: :O
Magnus86: it means wheres mah damn coffee at
[+|-] (1)
Move 114
therookie [6k]: artem is my student
therookie [6k]: right artem?
Move 115
artem92 [7d]: of course
Move 116
MissTake [4d]: oh, that's why he has such bad results lately?
[+|-] (2)
holynec: nooooooooooooooooooo
holynec: I am diein.g............
Gilgamesh: o.o
Demon: interesting, how do you feel about this holynec? o.o
Gilgamesh: you mentioned your mother, tell me more
holynec: What is this
Demon: what do YOU think this is?
Demon: and to think that some quack is getting paid 50 bucks an hour for the same crap i'm saying =/
holynec: .__.
holynec: =_=
holynec: (=_=0)
holynec: I'm a psychiatrist
[+|-] (2)
northcoast: spoiler alert: Snape has Harry's baby
herpoid: HERPOID
imanoob: STONG
Envy: north coast, negative
northcoast: aw it seemed like such a sure thing
cshell: wow everywhere i go tonight people are talking nonsense
cshell: or else i no longer understand english, wonder which it is
InsanePat: both, probably
cshell: ah thank you
cshell: sounds reasonable