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#424 [+|-] (4)
impulse: it's very very quiet
katzu: hi
katzu: ^^
impulse: too quiet
tetris: i've got a bad feeling about this
impulse: I think we should split up. that way we can search faster
tetris: i wish i'd listened to you last time, you're right
impulse: nite aslan
tetris: we wouldn't have lost katzu
impulse: we lost katzu?
tetris: oh! there he is!
tetris: sorry, my mind was wandering
tetris: guess this heat is getting to me
impulse: *turns on the air conditioner for tetris*
tetris: *sighs blissfully*
tetris: so glad we brought that thing along
tetris: heavy as it was
kikos: lol
impulse: peddle faster tetris, the batteries are dying

#425 [+|-] (2)
(After solace met an attractive woman)

Eternauta: your fault
solace: ahhh noo!!
Eternauta: ask phone number is priority!!!!!
solace: i didn't know
Eternauta: that was urgent move
Eternauta: urgent moves first

#426 [+|-] (4)
CptObvious: anyway, whatever you do, don't ever name your stones... it is so much harder to sacrifice steve for an overall better outcome...

#427 [+|-] (0)
Merlinor: ich habe nichts gegen den verstand einer in mich verliebten frau, der auf der niedrigsten stufe des intellekts arbeitet ... muss er schließlich auch ...

#428 [+|-] (1)
RaymondM: People keep telling me to keep playing to improve but after a year of playing I havent improve at all
RayTomes: well, your KGS games record shows you as having played exactly 0 games
RaymondM: that's funny because that's true

#429 [+|-] (0)
Eternity (after a server crash): huh, what happened here? the server feels so... empty
sweety: a mass booting...
Lyceum: perhaps it was shut down and just came back up?
JMEdwards: and this is why we don't anger the admins

#430 [+|-] (1)
Game Over
SeaMonster [1d]: Thanks
mm3 [3d]: cu
Eternity [7k]: huh?
lifeline [8k]: huh?
Eternity [7k]: already?
lifeline [8k]: already?
SeaMonster [1d]: Bad opening
lifeline [8k]: you were fine
lifeline [8k]: you have nice top moyo, you're ok on the right, you have little corner in lower left
lifeline [8k]: what has he got that's so great?
SeaMonster [1d]: The top
Eternity [7k]: yeah, sea is white...
lifeline [8k]: oh
lifeline [8k]: then good idea to quit hehe

#431 [+|-] (1)
Overheard in a Rengo Game
Ubiquity [?]: why did you let this horrible thing happen to black
(after partner tenukis)
Ubiquity [?]: oh, good, the stones are in the depths of hell
Ubiquity [?]: and left to rot

#432 [+|-] (0)
mathwiz2 [9k]: oh well, Live or Die: Risk it all to win all

#433 [+|-] (2)
Drimgere: well with you (nugatory) it's always an odd game, so it matters not how i play, just how you play
Drimgere: if you want to win, you'll win, if not, i'll win
Drimgere: my will is irrelevant when playing you

#434 [+|-] (1)
maladroit: Never have parents. They're nothing but trouble. :)
jeff123: you say that now mala. wait till you lose one
maladroit: My remark was meant whimsically. I said that to a doctor when I had to take my dad to hospital a couple of years ago. She looked puzzled then said "That's impossible".

#435 [+|-] (1)
kadoban: kgs people sure are weird
seabright: naturally, but not in this room, thank god
kadoban: yes, we're all normal well-adjusted people...
kadoban: obviously
seabright: obviously
kadoban: except Vash, he's messed up
seabright: especially Vash!
seabright: nobody's less messed up than Vash
seabright: even in this room
kadoban: haha
Vash3G: wait, what's going on?
kadoban: seabright seems to think you're normal
Vash3G: is she on the crack?
Vash3G: cause it will do that
kadoban: apparently

#436 [+|-] (-1)
piece11: wen
(Editor's note: The above line was repeated 8-9 times)
anko129: stop D:
Hu: Stop
Luminaire: cue Hu
kingblitz: boot that idiot
Luminaire: ahh too late
Giggles64: too late what?
AkariNara: yeah, Piece11, please, stop flooding
Javaness: Remember, flooding is never acceptable
Giggles64: javaness! hi
AkariNara: hello, Javaness-sama
Luminaire: remember, eat your wheates
Giggles64: haha
AkariNara: lol
liza: java, yes god
kingblitz: i just drank a can of canned java
iancho: Remember, never run with scissors.
XY0908: Hello handsome Irish administrator.
AkariNara: lol
liza: xy, have you seen his pic?
Lifestream: i have seen him in real life
XY0908: Why do I feel that I am repeating myself today...?
Lifestream: i have even played him in real life
Lifestream: ;-]
Luminaire: ohhhhh, burn Liza
Javaness: Luminaire: do not promote arson on KGS
XY0908: He was in Korea, liza.

Luminaire: remember Java, I still have my squirrel internment camp, if you nicer to me, I let a hostage go
Lifestream: lol
chrono3450: KGS has something against arson?
AkariNara: oh shut up, Lumi
Lifestream: you're such a nice person liz
Javaness: your camp is now under my control

#437 [+|-] (2)
no0bIet: lol selling rune 2h
Piemonger: selling potions of instant ko!!
qwerty123: no... u should sell instant pie!
RhinoHorns: hey is there a moderator in here?
Piemonger: or, for black, elixir of -2 komi
qwerty123: lol
qwerty123: what about HC??
Tama2k: 1million for instant 2 eyes sword
qwerty123: 20 million for a piece of crap
Piemonger: i'll take 2
qwerty123: ok 40 million please
Piemonger: ok *pay*
qwerty123: now go fight goblins and kill chickens or whatever pointless quest u wanna do
robopup: XD

#438 [+|-] (-1)
frak: where do i hang my britches?
schilds: on the rack
romans122: on the line out back
frak: the glass rack?
Goatliness: There's a knob just here for them.

#439 [+|-] (2)
Ubiquity: what was that game, josh?
kadoban: oh, a shusaku game
Ubiquity: man, you and your shusaku games
Ubiquity: didn't you know? the man is dead
kadoban: why wasn't i informed?
Ubiquity: he was eaten by a giant turnip
kadoban: wow, heck of a way to go
josh: dunno, i can think of worse
kadoban: yes, but it's hard to think of a stranger way to go
josh: if the turnip is big enough, he might go in one bite--quick and relatively painless
josh: bunch of ants, now, that'd take a long time
josh: wait, ants are not strange
josh: ok, bunch of very very tiny turnips
kadoban: that works, i suppose

#440 [+|-] (-1)
Move 154
zc3k [3k]: no formuar to hiplayers?
Move 156
JamesJoyce [?]: huh?
Move 159
JamesJoyce [?]: what do you mean?
Move 160
Izzy [5k]: i would like to, why he didn't
Move 164
JamesJoyce [?]: why is everyone suddenly talking funny?
Move 165
reprisal [2d]: the helium is kicking in?
Move 166
JamesJoyce [?]: haha
Izzy [5k]: lag ;p

#441 [+|-] (0)
norg: I am 9d really
plober: I am 39k really
norg: 39k is strongest
plober: It's a honor title given after starting at the 1-1 point :)
Zvi: 1-1 strong. cannot be invaded

#442 [+|-] (1)
springtime: do they still teach little geeks to print "hello, world!" to the screen?
gilgamesh: yep, on the first day of kindergarten

#443 [+|-] (2)
The Story of Go

Go was invented a long time ago. In fact, Go was invented at the start of the Stone Age. Here's how it happened.

Go was invented by three men. The three men were named Dsaun, XY, and Nosabe.

Dsaun was the first man to discover wood. Dsaun liked to watch birds. As he watched the birds, he saw that sometimes they would land in trees. When Dsaun looked at the trees more closely, he found that they were made of wood. That is how wood was discovered. The discovery of wood was the first step in the invention of Go.

The next step in the invention of Go was made by XY. One day, when XY was bored, he picked up a piece of wood. He made some lines on the piece of wood. XY didn't know it yet, but he had just invented the Go board! XY's lines are still used by scientists today.

The final step in the invention of Go was made by Nosabe.  As Nosabe was walking, he kept walking into stones and stubbing his toe. Every time he stubbed his toe, he yelled "Rock!" Dsaun and XY thought that was funny. Nosabe picked up a stone and looked at it. Nosabe named the stone "Rock." That is how rocks were discovered. When Nosabe discovered rocks, the Stone Age began.

Dsaun, XY, and Nosabe used the Go board and the stones to play Go. They were the first men to play Go. All of the games they played were tie games, because they did not know how to count past ten.

#444 [+|-] (0)
Sai4321: so i dont need to pay to be here?
BigDoug: Sai, how many times would you like to hear the same answer?
Reepicheep: you dont need to pay to be here
Sai4321: if u join tourneys do u have to pay?
BigDoug: yes -- if they are KGS Plus tournaments
Cyclone00: you only pay if you (a) buy games from higher dans or (b) join kgs+
Sai4321: how do u join?
Sai4321: i dont wanna get kgs+
Sai4321: how do u know ur in kgs+
Cyclone00: look up -> KGS Plus on menu
Kajiyoushn: i see a ceiling when i look up
Kajiyoushn: eggshell white i think
Sai4321: So i dont have kgs+ YES!!!!!!!!
Sai4321: im freeeeeeee

#445 [+|-] (1)
Truc: escapers should be forced to expand KGS acronym until they reach the end of recursion

#446 [+|-] (2)
[on kaya in alpha stage]

Xatu(13k): Is it just me or the bot is spazzing out
Xatu(13k): Something fierce
conanbatt(6d): whats going on with the bot
conanbatt(6d): its going crazy
conanbatt(6d): lol
Xatu(13k): Oh my god it's accelerating
conanbatt(6d): ok
conanbatt(6d): killed it
Xatu(13k): now we have no bots
conanbatt(6d): indeed
conanbatt(6d): ill set one up
Xatu(13k): We have about as many bots as the ps3 has games
conanbatt(6d): damn it
conanbatt(6d): gnubot 2 is bombing the server with errores after i blocked its access
Xatu(13k): He won't go down without a fight

#447 [+|-] (1)
bucko [17k]: The top left corner looks neglected.
Skadi [6k?]: d16 said he wants to be alone

#448 [+|-] (0)
Quicksilvre: You crushed me...
(opponent): Yes slightly...:)

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