[+|-] (1)
vlad [16k]: it's a little known fact that kibitz is actually german for "start a flame war and tick everyone off"
[+|-] (2)
a: game?
b: no thanks, going to sleep soon
a: how do u do that
b: well, i go lie on the bed and close my eyes...
a: no how do u do it on the computer like it says (sleeping) when someone looks for your user lookup
[+|-] (3)
(while doing go problems):
Flameblade: Imagine the two problems are on different goban.
jwaytogo: my imagination is not as powerful as that, maybe I will just imagine they are on the same goban, in which there is a transdimensional rift running down the center, such that the influence of stones on one side have no effect on the other, although occasionally a right side stone may have a sudden revelation about what life is like on the other side, but after pondering this problem for a byoyomi, will eventually go back to its mundane existence of sitting on an intersection.
[+|-] (1)
Nyuyen: There is a 13x13 tournament in the Vietnamese Game Room
watergirl: who are the players
Nyuyen: me
watergirl: Oo
Nyuyen: that's why I need more people
[+|-] (0)
Heard in a kyu level game review
"the dead group in the corner is so heavy I have to try to save it"
[+|-] (-1)
wingnoll [8k]: igs=internets go server KGS-korean go server, so where are all the koreans?
[+|-] (1)
Hikaur: I personally think that burn it down by linkin park is where it's at.
mafutrct: where what is at?
Hikaur: It.
Hikaur: You know.
mafutrct: -confused-
mafutrct: *puts a pancake on hik's head*
Hikaur: >Takes pancake off<
Hikaur: >eats<
Hikaur: Yummy.
mafutrct: its full of hair
Hikaur: My hair though.
Hikaur: It's just fiber.
mafutrct: well... you were not the first one to use this pancake as a hat
Hikaur: Oh.
Hikaur: More fiber for me! :)
[+|-] (-1)
info: oh, you're homeschooled--no finals, right?
keshigomu: ina ur home schooled?
info: and that's what made her great!
Inachan: i'm not great :(
info: you're great :)
info: you said homeschooling made you think for yourself :)
keshigomu: oro alright bye
cheesecake: Thinking? Who does that anymore?
info: see what i mean?
[+|-] (1)
Ubiquity [-]: the only way you can really learn go is through a series of questions that you either ask yourself or are asked of you by a problem. You have to try to answer these questions and engage your mind, that's the only way to learn.
[+|-] (3)
termites: what does kgs mean?
Lynx [2d]: well the k stands for KGS and the GS for go server
[+|-] (1)
EricWoods: Is there any reason why the CGoban3 file uninstalled itself from my computer? I did clean up the registry and tweak my pc a bit.
[+|-] (2)
(An open game is listed with the game description "Yo I play only whit girls!!! Guys I wont play with ya!!!!")
KuudeeKun: hoohoooo Sai1988 just have made my day better :D
KuudeeKun: "Yo I play only whit girls!!! Guys I wont play with ya!!!!" XD
[BOLD]BigDoug: no more of that please Kuudee
KuudeeKun: yes yes ... i jsut sayed he made my day better :)
BigDoug: thanks
BigDoug: of course, it's not clear to me either why he just doesn't go outside and meet some :)
KuudeeKun: :)
Isildur: The game descrip doesn't seem to be attracting anyone.... the girls are probably weirded out by it.
Isildur: I stand corrected, someone took Sai1988 up on that. Not that Sai has any way of verifying gender. =P
cycleist: good point
BigDoug: if it's a hot name and a hot picture, it's a male
cycleist: er,ah?
Nyanjilla: almost certainly
cycleist: o.. k... .... ...
cycleist: I guess
Isildur: This is the internet after all. ;)
[+|-] (-1)
Born2Soon: ya know what else is missing from the KGS ToS? trying to be a spelling teacher. that should be a no no cause nothing is more annoying when someone has to point out 1 little slip up =p whats wms's email address
beerslayer: spelling is important
beerslayer: for instance if you say gimme a bear thats quite different from gimme a beer
[+|-] (-1)
maladroit: Violin lesson tonight. I must do some practice. See you all later.
Komachi: Do you use String Theory when you play?
[+|-] (1)
(In the English Chat Room)
XY0908: this is a chat room, right?
XY0908: just want to make sure that I am at the right room.
[BOLD]Javaness: no chatting here
Ygramul: lol
[BOLD]Celila: stop abusing your admin powers :P
XNtrick: Bold fight!
Ygramul: ouch
[BOLD]Javaness: just because i'm a squirrel doesn't mean you can shout at me
Ygramul: i feel like the only one that's being punched
XNtrick: Squirrel discrimination.
Javaness: *tickles ygramul*
Baikonur: Gold star is admin proper, silver star is admin, 2nd class
Celila: oki ... *throws nuts*
XNtrick: "Goes nuts" ...
Ygramul: hahahahahahahah ohhhh hahahaha
Ygramul: stop it java
[+|-] (2)
zero0: In meiner Gegenwart geben Kameras regelmässig ihren Geist auf, wenn man versucht mich abzulichten. Ich denke das beantwortet Deine Frage...
shiva: ja bei mir fängt der blitz an zu husten und die linse übergibt sich
[+|-] (1)
shiva: das mit dem schrank hab ich auch immer so gemacht
shiva: nur dass irgendwann da auch kein platz mehr hatte und sogar ein scharnier von einer tür abgeplatzt is ^^
shiva: von da an hab ich alles unters bett geschoben
shiva: und als da kein platz mehr war bin ich daheim ausgezogen.
shiva: nu bin ich in ner ganzen wohnung da is mehr platz
shiva: wenn wer kommt wohnzi aufräumen und alles in die restlichen zimmer packen
flowjob: bevor das mit dem schanier bei mir auch passiert kommt das zeug ab sofort auch unters bett
shiva: is aber auch mit vorsicht zu genießen sonst haste hinterher n hochbett
[+|-] (0)
sente5: Anyway for those of you who haven't seen The Great Escape, the americans in the prison camp celebrate the fourth of july by brewing potato liquor
bochip: that's how i celebrate wednesdays
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ponken: Trotzdem will ich nichtt zum arzt, nur wenn er mich bewusstlos haut sonst ertrag ich das einfach net :{