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#474 [+|-] (1)
Eviith: er könnte sich benzin über den kopf gießen und dann anzünden...
Eviith: dann wäre sein gesicht nicht mehr so abschreckend

#475 [+|-] (-1)
kkengo: wow,, Mao knows many languages,,,
kkengo: envy envy~~
xiaoMao: well easy I born ang grow in many cities

#476 [+|-] (1)
gigazord: i wonder how many go stones you'd have to eat to perish
Herod: We're counting on you to perform the experiment
gigazord: I'll get on that right away
Isildur: I guess those would count as throw-ins.
gigazord: lol

#477 [+|-] (1)
shiva: btw ich bin auch furchtbar glücklich.
shiva: grade eitert die stichwunde an meiner hand so richtig schon aus sich raus als hättse nie was andres getan.
shiva: aber weil ich darüber so glücklich bin hab ich mich auch gleich mit dem küchenmesser das mir das angetan hat versöhnt und zum dank für den fast 1 cm tiefen stich hab ichs erstma blankgeputzt

#478 [+|-] (1)
Budro: well somone invite me to a game i havent played in years
maladroit: How do we know which game you haven't played in years, Budro?

#479 [+|-] (2)
WoolyMaCha: I don't like [-] players.
WoolyMaCha:  looks like as if they have something bad to hide  :p

#480 [+|-] (2)
stumped: *throws a bick and hits 3 comp promgrammers*
Javaness: Do not throw bricks in the EGR

#481 [+|-] (3)
cepstruma: anyone want to play a handicap game with me?
IlanKeshet: handicap is derrogatory. Please say disabled

#482 [+|-] (1)
alfalfa: Lincoln was dining. He said to the waiter: If this is coffee, please bring me some tea. If this is tea, please bring me some coffee

#483 [+|-] (1)
beeblebrox: i've never been in a cathedral, by the way
beeblebrox: i saw some pictures of the interior of cathedrals, some of them remind me of the inside of a spaceship

#484 [+|-] (2)
Ricky1: "Are you really sure you can't just quit your job and move here?"

#485 [+|-] (1)
mafutrct: du bist krank
olifant: aber nur im kopf

#486 [+|-] (0)
YeknomGib: I suck at Go
YeknomGib: I just lost a game by 0.5
Dootar: I suck too
YeknomGib: I suck more
Dootar: yay, we all suck
YeknomGib: no, Lyonweiqi doesn't suck

#487 [+|-] (1)
emk: he doesn't like eyeshape because he switched from tetris =)

#488 [+|-] (4)
Isildur: Samson's game description is odd...
danphile: which was what?
Isildur: It said "I hate Go"
topfar: Then just stay!
Isildur: *groan*

#489 [+|-] (1)
kuroitane [4k]: white wins?
sume [-]: ofc not
ennuistic [2d]: like hell white wins.
sume [-]: W wins if B passes 3 times in a row

#490 [+|-] (3)
XY0908: NoKnott is back in town with a loose noose
NoKnott: just hanging around
Goatliness: Of course it's loose, if there's no knot.
XY0908: How can you hanging yourself around with a loose rope?

#491 [+|-] (1)
Hellhuman: ich hatte gerade den teuersten döner meines lebens
Hellhuman: 44,50€
Hellhuman: :O
Koffein: wtf
Hellhuman: quasi vor meiner haustür ist eine straßenbahnhaltestelle, und quasi vor der dönerbude ist die nächste station..

#492 [+|-] (4)
neurobot: puberty isn't hard really...
Shibooboo: must... resist... pun...
InsanePat: please do resist

#493 [+|-] (0)
twoeye 6d fastgun 5d 2012-11-01
johnny [6k]: i think B has better start
beispiel [7d]: the point is to have a better finish

#494 [+|-] (2)
kyoungnang 9d - twoeye 7d 20012-05-23
Coreon 3k: what do we say to the dead ?
Coreon 3k: Not Today !

#495 [+|-] (0)
Isildur: A whole bunch of Go games were released even for consoles like famicom/SNES.
Naab: there were kind of crappy
brume: how come when before i click certain moves there's a ding
Naab: or the ones I have tested on snes were on the most like 13k
Isildur: Well, they didn't play at a very high level, if that's what you mean =P. And I think one had a ko bug.
Naab: brume, ding is propably ass
brume: ass?
Isildur: lol
Naab: hahhaa
Naab: pass

#496 [+|-] (4)
lovely: No need to shout.
XNtrick: Especially incomprehensibly.

#497 [+|-] (-1)
lance123 [-]: i wish jesus was here
lance123 [-]: give me some luck
stalkor [2k?]: why would my son be here?

#498 [+|-] (3)
Oloril: KGS should create collectable cards, then they could make a fortune by selling the rare tartrate card.

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