[+|-] (1)
Joorin: a running KGS client instance has more than 200000 active objects. ☛ dsaun: yes, and they all speak in the EGR on the same day :^)
[+|-] (1)
Warfreak2: isn't it funny how "search" means find something that already exists, but "re-search" means find something new?
[+|-] (1)
ZothOmmog: what is the 'tagged body spray' and why is it attracting women of ill repute to my goban?
[+|-] (2)
Vade: Reduce your average carbon footprint by 50%, kill your neighbour.
Vade: I mean, recycle. Or something.
[+|-] (1)
xevad: stop drinking water gain many stones
xevad: big sharp and painful ones
Pampero: stop drinking and get liver stones
aussiemate: micrometeorites make hardly any sound at all
Pampero: but they hurt
aussiemate: true but not a lot
jackmani: the sound is working now but i turned up my speakers full volume and my computer is full volume too. I can hardly hear thesound
aussiemate: hmm
aussiemate: weird!
aussiemate: you have wax in your ears?
beeblebrox: wait, kidney is liver now?
aussiemate: maybe if you take off the head phones you might hear better?
aussiemate: I think he meant Gall stones, Beeblebaby
aussiemate: no, maybe you are right
aussiemate: you might get kidney stones if you stopped drinking
DrStraw: you are flooding
aussiemate: ^_^
beeblebrox: but if you don't drink, nothing would pass through the kidneys to construct these stones
lighthand: lol chat kops are so funny
aussiemate: DrStraw says you have to flood your kidneys though I think he meant flush
DrStraw: DrStraw says you are not too old to be booted
aussiemate: <oops>
[+|-] (5)
yarr: In the secret end of Hikaru no go, Hikaru gets stuck at mid sdk plateau and spends the rest of his life trolling in the egr
[+|-] (2)
LemonEyes: question about go: can you make it to 9d without the faintest shred of moral or spiritual depth? are the two independent or what?
Phanto: You joking?
Phanto: Of course they are independent.
TheCaptain: i'd like to believe they are not independent
TheCaptain: but then when I was young, I used to imagine that great physical beauty went hand in hand with spiritual depth
LemonEyes: well, there is such a thing called integrity, or character strength, or whatever. There is an ability in some to see many depths to life, to empathize, to lead. To be contagious, influential.
TheCaptain: sadly it wasn't long before I was disabused of that idea
[+|-] (2)
[Name Withheld]: i vote for the reunification of religion and state
Epiphany: no discussion of politics or religion here, [Name Withheld].
WhatYouEgg: especially bad politics AND religion
Epiphany: Exactly.
[+|-] (4)
KayMatoby: the concept of 24/7 is difficult for some to understand
TDK: fractions are hard
[+|-] (-2)
purun [3k]: sekii
bi [4k]: no
Muttley [2k]: :)
WackOu [4d]: seki?
despot [2k]: in your dreams lol
IceBearToe [6k]: w dead
Flagellant [5k]: trollolo
bronca [2k]: ...
bi [4k]: just death
HeroStyle [1k]: lol
Flagellant [5k]: seki xD
purun [3k]: lol
Muttley [2k]: it's not seki, it s ko
purun [3k]: shame on me
HeroStyle [1k]: yeahh
lowiq [1k]: H1 in stead of B3?
bi [4k]: no seki, no ko.
largehc [-]: how on earth do you see seki in there?
Muttley [2k]: ko first, then seki
vogelfrei [1k]: bd3 e4 c1 b1 seki#
Muttley [2k]: then dead.
bi [4k]: stop trolling muttley :)
Muttley [2k]: :)
Flagellant [5k]: then allive :)
Muttley [2k]: don't worry, I'll boot Muttley shortly
[+|-] (1)
Move 151
Sunchips [3k]: does anyone know the anime rosario's avatar is from?
Move 153
active0 [3d?]: rosario to vampire
GeneralLee [1d]: Rosario Vampire
Move 156
Sunchips [3k]: oh thats fitting
Move 157
Arhiman [3d]: the one with the cute girl who likes the dumb main character
Move 164
Madzilla [3d]: that's all of them, Arhiman :P
Move 167
Arhiman [3d]: oh, true
Move 168
thehorror [2d?]: i like the anime where the cute girls are psychopathic axe murderers
[+|-] (0)
Move 89
daijova1: i am going to make a double cheeseburger
daijova1: brb
Move 91
strvhhsr: wrong window?
Move 99
daijova1: ops
Move 101
roupli [4d]: hi Tokyo, tell Ny to sell everything
Move 102
roupli [4d]: oops sorry wrong window
Move 117
Tokyo1: I'll do that.
[+|-] (0)
DiGigot: voilà qui clôt les débats
lyceeDol: il vaut mieux clore un débat que se débattre dans le chlore
DiGigot: mieux vaut un débat clos qu'un clabaudé plutôt
telchar: il commence à faire faim
Sirdec: Pas faux, tu nous fais à manger ? :D
telchar: voyons voir, où j'ai mis les échalottes?
lyceeDol: il vaut mieux cuisiner Digigot que 10 gigots
Sirdec: Pas sur !
DiGigot: j'en doute
lyceeDol: regardez comme il se laisse cuisiner avec délectation
lyceeDol: un rien l'émoustille
[+|-] (1)
daylight17: YaY! My resume list finally got down to 2! Bad News: Someone just made it 3 :)
daylight17: Q: How big our average resume lists?
evilpixie: you applying for jobs or what ?
daylight17: what?
daylight17: jobs=for adults
evilpixie: what else u use a reumse for ?
daylight17: to finish the game?
evilpixie: what ? you bore someone with your resume
daylight17: how?
evilpixie: to make them mak mistakes
daylight17: nevermind
evilpixie: are adults supposed to have jobs ?
sente5: sadly yes
evilpixie: when do you become an adult
sente5: 21
daylight17: I'm 10
Vivi: when you worry about jobs
sente5: youre ten and you have a resume?
evilpixie: it might be a small resume
daylight17: Resume games!!!
evilpixie: games with your resume
evilpixie: sounds like fun, not
sente5: that is very different
daylight17: What's a resume?
[+|-] (6)
iamagirl: so many people protecting a girl like me <3
bigdoug: iamagirl, I suspect that the chances of you being female is as close to zero as possible
iamagirl: oh dougy, you can see right through me
bigdoug: wearing a nightdress in your parent's basement isn't the same as actually being female
[+|-] (6)
MilanMilan [9d]: o13 o14 n14 o12 n12 m13 l12 p13 m14 o13 s14 s15 t14 t15 s12 t11 t10 t12 s11 t13 s13 t12 m16
MilanMilan [9d]: now the sequence should be
MilanMilan [9d]: n12 m13 l12 p13 m14 o13 s14 s15 t14 t15 s12 m16 r3 q7 t10
MilanMilan [9d]: t15 s12 t11 t10 t12 t9 s11 t13 s13 t12 m16 n16 m17 n18
MilanMilan [9d]: b17 d15 c14 d17 e16 b14 b18 c13 d14 e13 e14 f14 d13 d12 e15 c12
KoReNJe [4d]: someone decode milan's hierogliphs
[+|-] (1)
dualraum: I think, banning is an adequate replacement for censoring.
dualraum: That's why I never gonna be an admin.
cuby: that makes you just terribly unqualified to be an admin. which greatly raises your chances of becoming one!
[+|-] (3)
Egad: i have a joke
Egad: an indian, farmer and the pope walk into a bar
Egad: the pope raped them both
Bertoo: wow
Egad: i think i told it wrong
Egad: wait
Egad: knock knock
Bertoo: *opens door*
Bertoo: yo what's up
Egad: its the pope, RUNNN
[+|-] (0)
planar: Star Trek is not very good except for the Borg idea, and of course Seven of Nine.
BorgDrone: 7?9 yummi
BorgDrone: who wants to be assimilated?
lamassery: I prefer Six of One.
BorgDrone: it's free of charge
BorgDrone: and deductible from taxes
Javaness: Assimilation is not permitted in the EGR
BorgDrone: lol
BorgDrone: * runs
planar: ROTFL
GrandYan: Best warning ever :)
[+|-] (1)
EmTom: so... UTD... would you play a game?
YeknomGib: Only if you can guess what UTD stands for.
EmTom: yeknom i wasnt asking you... sorry
YeknomGib: No one ever asks me. :(
unknowable: what do you want to be asked?
unknowable: ok... yeknom! what is the population of north and south dakota combined?
EmTom: who cares?
unknowable: not bad
YeknomGib: I think EmTom's answer was pretty good.
EmTom: to be honest, im not sure where dakota is (except that its part of the USA)
unknowable: well, do you have a general idea of where it is?
EmTom: not really no
unknowable: ok, north and south dakota are two different states, one on top of the other...
ericthblue: 1,397,044 at the 2000 census :)
[+|-] (1)
RayFrost [12k]: hey honte, does your cat play well
RayFrost [12k]: ?
Honte [-]: My cat IS playing :) I deal with the typing
RayFrost [12k]: lol
RayFrost [12k]: Honte, does that mean you are translating for your cat?
Tex [15k]: Haha, I can't beat my cat with a five-stone handicap. I move and she goes for the cat version of the nuclear tesuji.
RayFrost [12k]: lol
Tex [15k]: It involves lots of purring.
Honte [-]: But the stones make such a nice sound as they hit the floor...