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#549 [+|-] (1)
Drimgere: well Hu, think of the the English room like a mcdonalds hamburger, advertised as 100% beef, but in reality more like 20% beef and 80% by products

#550 [+|-] (3)
glimz [1d]: i like to play with complex komi
glimz [1d]: 6 + 0.5i

#551 [+|-] (4)
alobar 17-07-2013 I stopped playing chess when I was losing to kids who could not reach the table

#552 [+|-] (1)
Synj: Sorry to interupt, but I have an overpowering urge to tell someone who didn't know that I am in love with the most amazing girl ever.&#10157;
Synj: P:
Suicide: So you're...15?
radpi3: typical
Synj: 20 o.o
Suicide: Hm...late bloomer, eh?

#553 [+|-] (0)
Astrony [5k]: MXHero plays 3D go?
Move 67
word [6k]: three dimensions, yeah--you start with tengen and work your way down
Astrony [5k]: isn't that harder than 2D go?
Move 68
MXHero [3d]: yes, it's very hard, we have to levitate the stones in the air
Move 69
word [6k]: keep them spinning, too
Move 70
dang [5k]: that's advanced
Astrony [5k]: spinning like quarks?
Move 71
word [6k]: kind of, yes
MXHero [3d]: yeah, well, very large quarks

#554 [+|-] (1)
shagler: but the game is more exciting when the board is on fire

#555 [+|-] (1)
javachip: Are there areas where you can see glass formation?
javachip: from Atomic Explosions?
Oloril: I feel that nuclear explosions are an inefficent way to make glass
Oloril: What would you say your favourite aspect of radiation poisoning is?
stumped: mutant powers
trousey: it seems as if i can only win 1 game a day if that
javachip: turning into a big green monster
Herod: Then just play one game a day
javachip: a big green body builder
Nichiren: holy!!!
royu: with my luck, my mutant power would be something like the ability to eat chilis without distress
Oloril: That'd be a pretty awesome power actually.
Oloril: I'd make a super concentrated ghost pepper sauce to put on toast and go around eating it and offering some to people
nessu: how nice of you
Oloril: Sharing is caring
nessu: you should use jigsaws instead tho :)
nessu: and what distress does eating chilies cause?
stumped: third degree burns
nessu: nah it only feels like it
masonc: Does one need to sign in to be here?
masonc: Oh.  No one is here.
masonc: I am not here therefore I am not.
masonc: and, by the way, you are not
dendrimer: the absence of knots is in no way indicative of the state of being

#556 [+|-] (1)
[In a Game]
wsdcwds: no admins here
wsdcwds: well time to troll
wsdcwds: so just **** me
wsdcwds: **** me up the butt
Javaness [2d]: ok
wsdcwds: ohh yeah

#557 [+|-] (2)
alobar (9k): how long have you been playing ?
deadlife(14k): about a month
alobar: and how long have you been smoking ?
deadlife: at least a decade

#558 [+|-] (0)
Yaroslavna: Hmm, and I would love some nice 3D effects to make the KGS Rank Graph look even flashier
Yaroslavna: and some great wallpaper
lament: with girls on it? :)
Yaroslavna: yep
Yaroslavna: of course
Yaroslavna: and the higher the rating the more you see, haha, that will encourage them

#559 [+|-] (1)
After a server crash
watergirl: have you all guys got the disconnected just now?
arndt: Maybe an admin was playing and wanted to undo.

#560 [+|-] (2)
Bruno: what would happend if everyone in kgs meet in real person? -maybe a couple of murders-

#561 [+|-] (-1)
[11:54] Archaic: i wish i was luckier
[11:54] Archaic: that way i could smoke a fortune
[11:55] Archaic: by the way that 9p reads like a fortune cookie, he's delusional, and not poetic at all
[11:55] wither: who said 9dan had to be poetic
[11:56] Archaic: ya, i take things too literally sorry
[11:57] Archaic: go must be too complex a game for some, it's too zen
[11:58] wither: ...
[11:58] Archaic: i solved tic tac toe by reading everything out, and not applying pattern recognition
[12:02] Archaic: there's no such thing as simple tricks or secrets, such as by approaching the game from the perspective of the opening first and making things easier for yourself as a beginner, you should just read everything out like you normally do.
[12:05] Archaic: secrets are delusional, the guru (gogameguru) says quote: "And reviewing your games is the secret ingredient that will make all of this work." (secret in bold)
[12:06] Archaic: Coca-Cola isn't a secret, it's just pepsi with a missing ingredient
[12:14] Archaic: start with the corners too especially around the area of A1, and read out all the variations there before proceeding to the next step. which is opening correctly with tengen in order to exact influence all over the board and vengeance u pon your opponent.
[12:15] Archaic: ultimately solving the game by purely reading alone.
[12:19] Caode: You are very floody tonight.
[12:20] Archaic: sry trying to spread idealistic go theories and dogma

#562 [+|-] (2)
schwein: ein fünftel der felder des 19x19 brettes sind auf der ersten linie ! oo

#563 [+|-] (2)
okurisdg: b chose the easy way
fertig: but he died
okurisdg: yes, that IS the easy way

#564 [+|-] (0)
ilanpi: Isildur, apply that humour to go, and you will be 1D
Isildur: =)
ilanpi: right now, too much of your brain is cluttered with useless knowledge
ilanpi: like, the entire English language
ilanpi: not enough room for go there
ilanpi: all those obscure references must be expunged
Isildur: Heh. Like Sherlock Holmes' theory about knowledge
ilanpi: exactly, he didn't know that the earth went around the sun
ilanpi: which it doesn't, but then again, I don't think Dr. watson knew that either
ilanpi: You gotta figure, it 11 year old kids become professional go players
ilanpi: everything you ever learnt is pretty much preventing you from improving
        at go
ilanpi: What is required is a blank slate
Isildur: I wouldn't want to be a great go player to the exclusion of all else.
ilanpi: what are you doing here then
ilanpi: go back to Yahoo Games
Isildur: I enjoy go. I don't have super-high aspirations in it.
ilanpi: this server is reserved for monomanian obsessive go players
Isildur: heh
ilanpi: reminds me of mathematicians who talk about people who quit math
ilanpi: "he works on wall street and makes a million dollars a year"
ilanpi: "yeah, what a loser"
Isildur: Yeah, there's a joke among mathematicians, "There's no telling how far a
         good man will go... once he quits mathematics."
ilanpi: Isildur, for example, if you just forgot one Fawlty Towers episode, you would
        gain 10K
Isildur: Nooooooo
Isildur: Treasured memories
ilanpi: when I started playing go, I had "em all memorized
ilanpi: now, I barely remember anything
ilanpi: it"s a Faustian thing
Isildur: ? I haven't read Faust.
ilanpi: who has
ilanpi: I saw the movie

(Later, after a discussion of names and a reference to Tolkien's works)

ilanpi: I used to know all that stuff [Tolkien's works]
ilanpi: but forgot when I got to 10K
Isildur: You're scaring me.
ilanpi: hemm, let"s see, Ethelred
ilanpi: that name isn't very common anymore
ilanpi: OK, time for me to forget everything that was said here
ilanpi: hopefully, it should get me to 2K
Isildur: I guess people are unready to name their kid that, these days.
ilanpi: you might think that
Isildur: There's no reason I Kent. =)

#565 [+|-] (2)
One player's picture was a kid at the world junior chess in 2010.
rpfleger: your picture confuses me, what are those funny looking pieces ?
rpflerger: some sort of rudimentary game ?
Other people asked if it was his daughter (which it wasn't) so he changed it.

#566 [+|-] (1)
Muttley: I learned the avalanche to the move 120
Muttley: but then I realized, I only play hoshi

#567 [+|-] (2)
Muttley: Chuck Norris is the only person who can make a san ren sei with 2 stones.
Muttley: Correction. He tells me its one stone. He uses the other to make a shimari.

#568 [+|-] (-1)
RoundTuit: it's depressing the way the Ayabots always seem to win by 1.5 points
Sheriffi: you're depressing for playing them
RoundTuit: I keep thinking I can beat them... if I can work out how the play...
InsanePet: there must be a bug in komi handling, MC bots usually win by 0.5 :-)

#569 [+|-] (1)
Kenton: how many games do yo uhave to play until the question mark next t o the rank goes away ?
liptos: over 9000
InsanePat: it can 20-40 or more if one only wins or only loses...

#570 [+|-] (1)
meerkat: isn't there a law against taking trolls to the park ?
alobar: there should be a law against people playing go

#571 [+|-] (0)
madcow: i like those software guys who attend lots of parties; it seems they always get their inspiration at the 3rd party

#572 [+|-] (0)
Masticator: oh thank heavens the sugar is wearing off a little bit!!
Elandal: that's bad. You need more chocolate.
Masticator: but i'd be sick to my stomach!
Elandal: Small price :)
Masticator: I think I'll just have this pixie stick instead
ehl: one doesn't really masticate pixie sticks
Elandal: I guess I'll just go to bed now :)
ehl: umm, maybe that should have been pixie stix
ehl: american plurals can be tricky
Elandal: Just add random characters and blame line noise.
Masticator: oh snap, you're right it is pixie stix
Masticator: no wait it's pixy stix, wow!
juggernaut: "just add random characters and blame line noise" sounds like a recipe for instant soup
ehl: most recipes omit a recommendation for blame
juggernaut: actually alphabet soup
ehl: which greatly reduces their utility
juggernaut: i know, this is new
juggernaut: improved utility, yes
ehl: "whisk until peaks are firm but not dry--if you overwhisk, blame the weatherman"
juggernaut: costs more, of course

#573 [+|-] (1)
IaGo: If you try hard enough to kill a group you will allways succeed... most of the time one of yours.

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