[+|-] (3)
horowitz: what is everyone record on flappy bird?
plotzo: what is flappy bird ?
hohoho: I think it's a game where you can dismember senior citizens with a chainsaw
hohoho: I do not approve
plotzo: so, horowitz, are you going to enlighten me ?
horowitz: it's an app - that is supposedly made by the devil
plaotzo: I think you have too much time on your hands
[+|-] (5)
ericosman:when you're playing, do you ever use reasonning like this:'' hmmm, he's made a few mistakes that suggests he is tired. I'm plaing in my refreshed morning bright sunshine time zone and I know he's in a sleepy dark almost time for bed time zone, so I'm going to make this move here that isn't quite sente but since he's tired he'll probably answer it''
Ffallrain: never
ericosman: well I did just now, and he did anwser it
arndt: maybe it was sente
[+|-] (3)
Chris, 1d, is the 8'th oldest account on KGS. A quote from his info:
- If all your friends self-atari, would you self atari- too ? Mom
[+|-] (-2)
AWA: A black hole is the result of the complete inward collapse of a star. This collapse causes the gravitational force of the black hole, which is essentially a rent in space, to have enough gravitational pull such that nothing can escape its grip. Now consider that there is something known as an event horizon, the edge of the black hole. The theory goes that once something crosses the event horizon, it can never be retrieved. Once inside the black hole, matter would be broken down into its bare basics, namely, protons, neutrons, and electrons. This broken-down matter would then be compacted into an infinitely small, infinitely dense ball, which sits at the very core of the black hole.
AWA: Nobody knows what happens to such a ball. Nobody knows what it is designed to do. Nobody knows how it functions. I propose two things: Firstly, that the infinitely dense ball is the source of the back hole's gravity; secondly, that the black hole's mass is actually equal to that that is consumed by it, plus the original mass of the star that collapsed to form it.
(Someone): Dude ur gonna get banned
AWA: A black hole that is formed by the collapse of a star is formed by the implosion of the mass of the star. Eventually, the mass must pass a certain point in time that it actually dents space, and creates a tunnel where there theoretically shouldn't be one. I would like to ask you to wrap you mind around the following concept: Imagine you are in deep space, and you come to a black hole. From the front everything looks exactly as you imagined it: an inward circular slope reaching down to an invisible point. Now, I would ask you to float around to the "back" of the black hole. What would you see?
(Someone else): lol
AWA: Since a black hole theoretically is infinitely deep, you would expect to see an infinite tunnel through space behind the event horizon. Yet, there is not. Otherwise, such a tunnel would exert a gravitational force so strong that everything in its immediate vicinity, and likely further, would be consumed. So obviously there is no infinite "tunnel". However, in every picture, graph, and mathematical formula explaining black holes, there is obviously a central hole, like those tables in museums that you can roll a quarter into, spiraling ever further down. Where is this hole? Where does it go to? If it is indeed infinite, then where is the hypothetical ball of infinite mass and density at the end?
AWA: One final point. I would like you construct a situation in which a black hole enters the gravitational field of another black hole. Technically speaking, since they both exert a force over each other, they would cancel out, and endlessly circle the other. However, if at any point, they touch, what would happen? Would a deletion of matter occur, as in the hypothetical anti-matter theory? Would the two black holes cancel each other out, winking out of existence? Would one black hole consume the other?
AWA: If so, how would the consumed black hole affect the interior of the consuming black hole? Would one's infinite tunnel interfere with the other's?
(Someone still else): O...k...
[+|-] (3)
Hutoshi4 [8d]: hi
MilanMilan [9d]: hi
MilanMilan [9d]: My stones turns to be red
Hutoshi4 [8d]: April Fools
MilanMilan [9d]: ...
MilanMilan [9d]: you are red. I am half red
[+|-] (3)
okiol: sometimes peple like to dig deep and have a clear opinion of something... the problem is that that often takes them farther from the truth...
OwyheeMud: some opinions are impeachable
okiol: hmm
PunGent: if you have enough peaches
[+|-] (1)
wither: all aboard the hug train!
wither: destination: my arms!
aussiemate: toot toot
SiBuBr: i'll board that train.
aussiemate: All aboard
mandolin: chug a chug a chug a chug choo chooo
wither: arriving at station!
[+|-] (0)
werewolf: hi
kikos: -glumples-
LillyColak: ? whats glumple?
werewolf: *pries kikos off and bops kikos*
LillyColak: *_*
werewolf: hug+glomp=glumple
werewolf: i think
LillyColak: oh
LillyColak: i don't mind
LillyColak: i like glomping
LillyColak: ~_~
werewolf: *throws kikos at lilly* go glomp her when you want to glomp somebody
kikos: but idk her :O
werewolf: so get to know her
kikos: >.>
LillyColak: *while theyre at fighting watches a movie*
LillyColak: with popcorn
LillyColak: and sips on soda
werewolf: >.>
shy: a movie of them fighting? :D
kikos: shy XD
[+|-] (1)
Move 169
brembrem [4k]: A17 A14 miai?
Jermelle [-]: *punches a cat*
Move 170
Jermelle [-]: I hate this move
Move 172
cynewulf [-]: no it's the monkey jump, not the cat punch
Move 174
CBlue [3d?]: cat punch sounds like an alcoholic beverage
[+|-] (5)
laso6: 'kgs' works fine too, a lot of go addits there
empty: no, we come here for the annual karaoke event
[+|-] (5)
neurobot: so I went to my psychiatrist, he said "you're crazy", "I want a second opinion", he said "alright, you're ugly too"
[+|-] (3)
woochie59: furikawari = exchange - the most important go principle
awoi: that word is important not only for igo game, but your life :)
woochie59: I take your wife, you take my mother-in-low
[+|-] (4)
In German Room/ Deutsche Ecke:
Alast: nabend
Vanna: abend
arndt: abnd
woochie59: arndt, amdt oder abnd ?
it: abnd arndt
[+|-] (4)
cekalo: is there a room where I can curse and insult women ?
Falcon89: yes, your own bedroom
cekalo: no, I mean here on kgs
heroesdie: no misogyny room
[+|-] (3)
mm vs Sunny Lucky game:
Minjhou: is mm MM ?
woochie59: no, mm is NN
ZXRP: I'm guessing that woochie doesn't know who Milan is
woochie59: I guess you didn't undestand the joke
leipuri: I didn't
woochie59: because he asked so... elyptical :) 'is mm MM ?'... I answered as if I didn't understand the question :)
[+|-] (1)
TitanPupil: 'Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly'
woochie59: let me rephase it:
woochie59: sente is an illusion. what is sente for black is gote for white
mabblebrox: I sente an email but never gote a reply
[+|-] (1)
blobbel: ah, the players with yellow stars are admin ?
BigDoug: silver and gold five-pointed stars
blobbel: ok thx
themerc: if ya see 4 stars... you spotted a fake one
[+|-] (1)
Roronoa: No one should play against nightime
it: Roronoa, no public acccusation, please talk to an admin if you have anything to say about other players
bert: but o course, if you have anything to say about other admins, that is quite a different story
[+|-] (1)
holynec's info:
2010-10-27: BigDoug is no longer admin
2011-03-21: BigDoug is admin again
2011-04-23: BigDoug: he is the king - we are merely his internal security forces
2011-06-06: I retire
[+|-] (2)
alfalfa: the reason people die of cancer is that everyone is living longer, and other things they must die of have been prevented
McMaster:for one, antioxidents DO Not cause cancer
arndt: I think time causes cancer
[+|-] (1)
XY0908: Time is a relative thing if you mind me saying it: Before marriage when you are in love deeply with your girlfriend, waiting in front of a movie theatre for more than an hour was no problem. After married for four years, you get mad if she is late for five minutes.
OwyheeMud: in one case you don't matter
Warfreak2: why did you wait in front of a movie theatre for an hour, XY? was she watching a movie you didn't want to see?
XY0908: hehe
OwyheeMud: in the other case she has no respect
[+|-] (1)
from peter2 info - Kibitz Master skills:
- Anytime near the opening say: "is this joseki?" Or "joseki?" for short. It looks like you are questionning in an intelligent way when in fact you don't know joseki from seki. Ideally a high dan will answer saying "yes/no" and you can then comfortably follow up with "thought so/thought not".
- At any point in the game a quick "resign" doesn't hurt you.
- Any terrible move you suggest you can always claim as a mistype. Some are easy: i4 l4 for example; n and m are close on the keyboard and you can say you forgot the 1 allowing you an enormous range of errors. Of course you can add "I meant for B/W", doubling your chances of a cover up.