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#649 [+|-] (3)
Warfreak2: "can you summarise the russian economy in one word?" "GOOD!"...uh, ok... can you summarise it in two words?" "NOT GOOD!"

#650 [+|-] (2)
Game Start
cheater [8d]: gg
actgg [6d]: gg
panopticon [1k]: why 2 handi again?
sharma [6d]: 8-6=2
crono [3d]: uh... 6d vs 8d
IronCow [4k]: 8 vs 6 d
outline [2d]: 6+2=8
panopticon [1k]: thanks for the info, but kgs rating system is weird
crono [3d]: <_< every credible rating system in the world would give 2 handicaps for 6d vs 8d
outline [2d]: so, kgs should not
panopticon [1k]: ok I believe you
outline [2d]: :D

#651 [+|-] (1)
Spades: Hey guys, my opponent just left in a ranked game, what do I do?
Warfreak2: tell the whole EGR
Spades: ah, good plan
NH3CH2COOH: he did
Spades: no seriously, what does this mean, do I get the win or what?

#652 [+|-] (2)
mabblebrox: I lost a girl once, she asked what was in the silos - i was like .... 'missiles'  - and she got mad and left
dendrimer: she told you not to use "big" words
mabblebrox: well, i didn't say missiles - but oh well - I think they were grain import silos, from ships
dendrimer: at least she wasn't "stepping down the grain" - that can be lethal
peanut: you show your girls around grain silos?
peanut: "hey baby, wanna have a good time?"
mabblebrox: no there just happened to be silos at the party

#653 [+|-] (3)
Xylol: twoeye 7dan played 17641 ranked games, won 10847 and lost 6658 with 1 jigo and a winning ratio of 61%
OwyheeMud 9k : I played twoeye once,... well.... maybe not really
woochie59: Owy, who won ?
OwyheeMud: i don't remember

#654 [+|-] (1)
huggery: Relatively,   humans suffer far far less than any other fauna
huggery: (with the exception of those animals that suffer at the hands of humans,   of course)
treky: my dog doesn't seem to suffer much

#655 [+|-] (1)
Warfreak2: the only russian i know is Я твой слуга, Я твой работник
Muttley: One rabotnik is something like "analysis" or "works"
arndt: I think you pasted that
Muttley: "I something something, I something something" :)
Warfreak2: not only did i paste it, arndt, but i copied it first

#656 [+|-] (1)
gonegoing: it took me so long to get from 11k to 10k, so how come i can go back to 11k in a day?
Atheyon: because KGS ranking system is silly
Muttley: because you're probably 10.9
leachy: the server holds a special grudge against you

#657 [+|-] (2)
Closemiss: every year tenuki kills more than car accidents

#658 [+|-] (1)
Muttley: Prior to my finals exams, I had a dream that I turned the first paper over and it was all in Russian :))
Muttley: The first question was just a single word, exclamation mark.
Warfreak2: "run ! "?
Muttley: :) something like that, I can still see it clearly, but I can't picture the word precisely

#659 [+|-] (1)
9 dan match, sweetrip vs goliard
nyon: what was that threat ?
kmlck: no threat, just tenuki
nyon: how tenuki, his group is dying
kmlck: lol man, don't you know that 9d groups don't die ?
itoumakote: kmlck, would you marry me if 9d group dies one day ?
kmlck: if your country supports gay marriage, yes

#660 [+|-] (0)
Nathaniel: anyone else have rivals?
harukaai: My rival's a shodan!!!!
harukaai: lol just kidding, he's my best friend.
Nathaniel: cool
harukaai: yeah, 'couldn't beat him if I tried.
Nathaniel: same with me
harukaai: coolio. ^^
shindon: ( ninja pops out of no where )
harukaai: how long you been playing?
shindon: duck
harukaai: XD shindon.
shindon: me 1year 8monthes
harukaai: Yes, hun, I know that. I was asking Nathaniel.
shindon: * ninja kills the president*
Nathaniel: yeah
Nathaniel: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shindon: oh comon now we have to deal with a bigger idiot as a president
shindon: but still
harukaai: Ah, yes, this is my best friend.
shindon: Woo
Javaness: What is going on here?
MeatHead?: whats the best sgf edit/viewing program?
shindon: hey JAvaness
harukaai: no one really knows, java.
shindon: were just running away from Ninjas
harukaai: You can't run from ninjas.
Cassis0: is kgs admin considered as a president?
Alphons3: you can try
harukaai: true, but you won't succeed.
Alphons3: unless your flash
harukaai: hm... flash vs. ninja. That would be interesting to watch
Alphons3: i think flash would win
shindon: nah
shindon: ninja
harukaai: Ninjas, definately.
shindon: but a pirate beats them all
harukaai: no, hun, they don't.
Alphons3: lol no
jmtandrews: a pirate could only beat a ninja if the ninja was a paraplegic
harukaai: well said.
shindon: no pirates win
shindon: no matter what
Alphons3: nope FMA will destroy all
Javaness: a squirrel would beat a pirate any day
harukaai: YES! Go Java!
shindon: what
shindon: how could you say that
Javaness: because it's true
harukaai: because it's true.
Javaness: see
shindon: i am talking about like a pirates of the Carbiean type of pirate
harukaai: lol
Javaness: you are just asking to be banned
jmtandrews: yeah, we're talking about the real ninja type of ninjas.
Alphons3: lol
shindon: ninjas suck
Alphons3: FMA still wins
jmtandrews: Like the kind that you can't see. ever.
harukaai: Poor shindon, you're losing.
shindon: a cowboy beats them all
Alphons3: no
harukaai: no.
shindon: cow boys could shoot you before you had a chance to clap
harukaai: ninjas always win.
harukaai: end of story
shindon: are ninjas faster then a bullet
shindon: no
Cassis0: I think a pirate with nuts could beat a squirrel
harukaai: hahaha

#661 [+|-] (1)
AmyTS: LAPD is starting to use drones.  KGS should do the same.  If the admins had drones, they could... maybe that's not a good idea.

#662 [+|-] (2)
lifan: My favorite go move is K9, cause I love dogs
alfalfa: i sometimes play at Q8 and remember the first iraq war

#663 [+|-] (1)
lifan: Anyone here give up their wife and kids for Go?
Karcusrd: plenty wife and kids gave up their husband because Go  that's for sure
Atheyon: kids have husbands?

#664 [+|-] (2)
Talking about escapers:
okiol: adding to censor list is useless, looks like a guy that likes to make new accounts, probably because his old accounts gets marked escaper so fast
Bideshi: Write his username on the forhead of a a voodoo doll and stick pins in it.
tomicus: I like the voodoo doll idea :)
Nickj: ... or play on any other Go server. Only KGS is escaper-friendly.

#665 [+|-] (2)
Someone posted a link with a crowd of asian go players:
alfalfa: this reminds me of the chicago go club where the korean men would meet to play go.... the police got a tip that gambling was going on, and raided the place.  well, mike royko of the sun-times heard about this and asked, who among us hasn't played poker or bet on a golf-game
alfalfa: and made a big public deal out of it, until the charges were dismissed.
Karcusrd: they want to only do one thing tax revenue
alfalfa: then, come to find out, it was the wives who had called the cops
lifan: hm,mmm crazy americans
lifan: lol lol lol'
RoadHobo: it's ok to bet on a horse which is trained and run to nearly the point of it's death , but gambling on go is bad
lifan: lol
alfalfa: well, mike royko made the police look bad, he had a knack for that
Karcusrd: I wish there was a gambling on go standard

#666 [+|-] (2)
Move 7
fluidistic [4k]: F4
mycelio [3d]: alt+F4

#667 [+|-] (2)
First: what the troll are you talking about?
Bluool: I sometimes believe in amyts.
AmyTS: Every religion starts with one solid believer and one occasional believer.
AmyTS: Not that I'm doubting your solidity.  I'm certain you aren't a liquid.

#668 [+|-] (1)
Warfreak2: i nominate myself for the office of high priest
Warfreak2: all those in favour, and all those opposed, say aye
AmyTS: double aye
First: warfreak2 is such a sad person
HalfLife: you have the authoritah now
First: pitiful
Warfreak2: no, it was 100% opposed
AmyTS: you didn't become the high priest?  but i bribed all the right people

#669 [+|-] (1)
jeremikado: Welvang insiste sur les salles à thèmes ahah
Sanyel: Enfin bref
Welvang: oué c'pour devenir admin plus tard
Welvang: jpense que j'ai de bonnes chances
Welvang: je reste optimiste
woochie59: you just have to bribe the right one

#670 [+|-] (1)
AmyTS: I forgot all about meepy's licenses.
elementc: make sure to pay the royalties on time
AmyTS: i dont think i ever paid a fee for the license.
AmyTS: i wonder if meepy accepts imaginary money.
Meepy: the more imaginary the better
Meepy: i will also accept surreal money
AmyTS: I'll need your imaginary address to send your imaginary funds.
Meepy: ah, that's not how you transfer them
AmyTS: well our truck is filled up with imaginary monies and ready to go
Meepy: what you need is Euler's formula
AmyTS: okay got it.

#671 [+|-] (0)
Snot13 [1k]: lmao the fortune cookie website said this: Learn Chinese: good afternoon = konichiwa

#672 [+|-] (2)
alfalfa: i love handicap go... both as white and as black
alfalfa: the most common misconception is that the handicap stones are there for black's benefit
alfalfa: on the contrary, they are there to keep white from becoming bored
alfalfa: so they don't really make things easier for black, they only make things more difficult for white

#673 [+|-] (1)
Talking about go proverbs:
Stilton: A ponuki is worth somewhere between 1 and 30 points.
tuco: If w has tengen b should resign.
Terran: riiight
Stilton: Never play sente moves, its a waste of ko threats.

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