[+|-] (0)
Falcon89: ok, Djokovic won at Wimbledon just now.
tmay: Yeah it was a good match. I thought after the 4th set Federer had it
Javaness: tennis is just like Go
Hatate: very true, tennis... you use only one arm
[+|-] (2)
Muttley: If the samurai is sleeping, don't bang the gong by his head
Stilton: Good proverb.
Muttley: If your opponent's dog is chasing you, try reversing
Stilton: My all-time favorite proverb is "If White has all four corners, black should resign. If Black has all four corners, black should resign."
[+|-] (1)
tesuji111: wierd to win 1d and lose to 2k :)
woochie59: why ? I won to a 4 k and lost to a 9 k
tesuji111: I mean even game
woochie59: even
tesuji111: beware of 9k, they're strong
woochie59: tipsy with the 4k, sober with the 9 k
tesuji111: what is tipsy?
tesuji111: and sober
alfalfa: tipsy means a little drunk, sober means not drinking
[+|-] (2)
Muttley: McDonalds aren't food, how can you eat them !? the biggest con ever
IIIllIIll0: it is unhealthy but addictive
lodestone: It's made of people !!!!!
[+|-] (1)
Muttley: Disappointed that my "Bad go for busy people" book isn't mentioned
Lynx: it has the classic "Get Strong at Cente" book at least
Muttley: with such instant classics as "Build that second line moyo", "Learning to love gote" and "Black to play and die"
Muttley: yeah, great website
Muttley: oh, and the free extra chapter
Muttley: "Classic games badly annotated"
dsaun: i especially enjoyed thast chapter"Liberties, semiberties, who needs'em?"
Meepy: my favorite chapter is the "Whoa! I thought those groups were connected!"
WindnWater: Can't forget the book, "How to be a BAD go player"
dsaun: heh
Muttley: and not to forget "Chapter Eleventy: Learning to count"
WindnWater: One of my best purchases, "Killing Groups (your own ones)" is on sale right now.
[+|-] (1)
dsaun: i saw an ad, introducing a new day of the week: "Someday"
dsaun: great for scheduling things
[+|-] (0)
dufusgoguy: I never escape...I always politely resign at worst...
wind: i only escape when playing in person
[+|-] (3)
elementc: wbaduk is a lot less racist in the main chat than tygem
elementc: or rather, if they're being racist they keep it in hangul
IIIllIIll0: what kind of racialism do they have on tygem, wbaduk
IIIllIIll0: be hating on white folk?
elementc: no. mostly korean vs. chinese
elementc: lots of chat spam with people calling each other pigs
[+|-] (-1)
Sheriffi: this is my room
alobar: you dont have the authority to say that.
alobar: go ask big doug whose room this is.
alobar: or ask tom.
alobar: today i cleaned every single name off my censor list and i have just started a new one this very minute.
tomicus: you just like adding people to that list and you ran out of people to add after you censored the entire server, I know what you're up to
alobar: now my list has just one lonely little russian on it.
alobar: why napoleon wanted to rule them is beyond me.
[+|-] (-1)
alfalfa: yo-yo ma, kris kristofferson, and boutros boutrosghali walked into a bar...
alfalfa: and the bartender said, "hi, you-you guys, what'll you-you have?"
[+|-] (2)
IIIllIIll0: i got new slogan for kgs
IIIllIIll0: come for the go, stay for the chat
IIIllIIll0: or maybe the other way around
Sheriffi: come for the go, stay away from the chat
[+|-] (-1)
Talking about arabs and jews:
alobar: someone asked me in 1974 what i thought of the middle east position, and i had to admit i had never tried it.
[+|-] (1)
dohduhdah: any admin available ? ayabot004 seems stuck in a game
dohduhdah: oh nevermind.. problem resolved
mateoxx59: a complaint against a bot !
[+|-] (0)
Muttley: I get several seconds of lag now and again
GlobalGo: I had 60s lag earlier
Muttley: I switched off the Albanian server to clean out the mice nests, I wonder if that is the reason
Muttley: apparently all of Europe's traffic goes through the Albanian server
Muttley: I'm considering upgrading from MS-DOS 3.3
Muttley: that should help
Comrade: Upgrading is always a bad move
[+|-] (0)
apple: some say go itself is useless nonsense
alobar: i have said that !
Daylight: Nostrodamus... who is that?
Daylight: I feel s/he was a Latino singer...
apple: ok, so Nostrodamus didn't actually say that
apple: it was Appledamus
[+|-] (1)
Gamulon: kgs is a trollcity
tesuji111: kgs is amazing opportunity to develop your skills and understanding of divine game of Go
Gamulon: no
Gamulon: go is not similar to kgs game at all
woochie59: is there a game called 'kgs' ?
woochie59: good to know
[+|-] (1)
alobar: my wife hates me.
blueup: seem that why you are here.
elementc: Maybe if you let her out of the basement once in a while things would get better between you
blueup: ohhh
alobar: my wife rules the roost element.
blueup: wow
alobar: i am paired with a harridan.
elementc: Oh god you are cruel alo
tomicus: I don't think she exists, I didn't see her once the whole time I was down there
elementc: Haha
blueup: poor alobar
blueup: tommy, you say alobar is a liar ?
tomicus: al and I have had this conversation before :)
[+|-] (1)
readytogo: kgs bash? sounds like a story parents tell naughty boys
readytogo: dont look under ur bed there's a big bad monitor there
kanako: my bed is upside down
Lynx: "When you need a friend, just ask Lynx"
readytogo: sounds like a plumber commercial
Lynx: Due to legal action, I can no longer advertise my plumbing services.
readytogo: and away goes trouble down the drain
readytogo: name that commercial
mateoxx59: 'need a brand ? I'm you friend ! just ask Lynx
gonegoing: kgs bash sounds like a good party to me, if u like sitting around playing go sipping on refreshments, chatting up mostly guys with one self-styled princess
[+|-] (-1)
Artham: Omg. Ayabot escaped me... o_O
alfalfa: maybe you broke it
readytogo: i saw two bots excape each other !
readytogo: what did the bot say to the other bot ?
RubyIsRed: Woooooo !
mateoxx59: 'you rusty escaper'
alfalfa: yeah? bucket of bolts !
mateoxx59: 'you tin man'
readytogo: thats not a typewriter, that's my wife
[+|-] (-1)
Siller: I successfully invaded a 1k !!!
Potter: are you proud
Potter: oh dear, Siller's surpassed me
Potter: that's not good
First: since when is Ukraine 1k ?
[+|-] (1)
Muttley: Here's a question: will Carlsen play the world chess match in Sochi in November ?
Muttley: I reckon he won't
Sheriffi: who cares
Muttley: I do
First: you are a nobody muttley
Muttley: Harsh, but true
Sheriffi: you'd think by now you would have figured out to ask these questions on a chess server
First: indeed
Muttley: they don't discuss stuff on a chess server, too busy playing blitz and bullet chess
Javaness: Will Carlsen take up Go, that's what we want to know
Muttley: heh
darkronin: Imagine this: prize for the 2014 world chess championship is... a go board
bert: heh heh, this is first time i hear of carlsen, a chess player i presume
[+|-] (0)
Chess or go ?
Muttley: Go is a discussion, chess is an argument
jkcx: in an open foyer? i forget
Mpresident: Go is a flowing battle, chess is medieval knights fighting one on one
Muttley: Proper chess can be very beautiful, all the same
jkcx: best comparative i've heard is chess is to sculpture as go is to painting. one pares away, the other builds up to completion
Muttley: well, it is more complex than that, although you reduce in chess you do also build as well
Mpresident: Sculpting with a chisel'
joeie1: nicest?
Muttley: building to harmony, e.g. overprotection co-ordination, centralisation, is very beautiful
[+|-] (1)
First: there are like 5 parks better than sedol now
Muttley: Yeah, Central Park is really promising
[+|-] (1)
Muttley: If I play go, then I play chess, my chess is better
Muttley: if I play chess, then I play go, my go is worse
Muttley: they're pretty non-commutative as cognitive skills